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We seek candidates that have interest in genetics, genomics, systems biology, and beyond...



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We currently have openings for prospective Postdocs, Research Assistants and Visiting Students. Please send your CV to Applicants with interests in gaining experience in dry and wet labs are especially encouraged to apply, (but all applications are welcome)!

We seek highly motivated candidates with curious minds and an interest in genetics, biochemistry, genomics, development, and systems biology. We are also interested in having members with background in computer sciences, engineering, and physics who would like to apply their expertise to biological systems.


We are a diverse team that strive to create an ideal working environment where lab members operate with a generous spirit, are open to share and discussing their newest ideas, findings and expertise with one another. We also put an emphasis on candidates with a strong desire to tackle big problems and questions and make important contributions to the questions we are asking in the lab. Learn more about our training environment in the training philosophy section.

Graduate student and Postdoc ad

The Agoro lab seeks a highly motivated student and/or postdoctoral fellow to study redox molecular mechanisms that drive nephropathy in abnormal aging process, CKD, and Sickle Cell Anemia. The overall goal of our lab is to understand the kidney disease progression mechanisms using systems biology approach as well as identifying new therapeutic strategies to improve renal function. Our lab is specialized in using a multidisciplinary approach that integrates genomics, proteomics, and metallomics. The recruited scientist-trainee will lead an exciting project that applies a broad range of cutting-edge technologies, such as CRISPR-based tools, single-cell multi-omics, and kidney disease mouse models. The ideal candidate would have a strong background in molecular biology, mass spectrometry and genomic technologies. Exceptional candidates can show early independence through the JAX Scholars Program as well as applying for a T32 fellowship that is funded by the National Institute for Aging (NIA). The selected candidate will be interacting with members of the JAX Center for Aging Research which is largely funded by two of NIH’s NIA grants: the Nathan Shock Center of Excellence in the Basic Biology of Aging and NIA’s Aging Interventions Testing Program.

Bioinformatician ad

The role requires a highly motivated, innovative, driven, and independent analyst who will perform analysis of complex systems data – including genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and other modalities of data. The qualified candidate will have the ability to plan, execute, visualize, report, and interpret analytic results, and the ability to work with the PI to understand biological mechanisms that are associated with aging, anemia, and chronic kidney disease. The Data Scientist may also develop algorithmic approaches to address them, and to implement these approaches in scripts or programs in close collaboration with the principal investigator.

Research Assistant ad

The Agoro lab is seeking a motivated research technician to join our innovative laboratory to carry out cutting-edge research on the interorgan crosstalk mechanisms that drive progressive loss of renal function during aging. Our laboratory is a highly interdisciplinary and diverse team working at the interface of genomics, physiology, and systems genetics. The prospective candidate will be exposed to a variety of research topics and engage in diverse experiments that utilize cellular and molecular biology, as well as animal models. The candidate will work under the guidance of the principal investigator, one/two postdoctoral associates, and a data scientist to help developing novel techniques and approaches to studying interorgan crosstalk and setting up an advanced kidney organoid culture. This position will involve cell culturing, handling mouse models, and high-quality sample preparation for genomics. The candidate will also assist in daily lab organization and operations. There will be opportunities to explore and lead an independent research direction.
